What is the internet?
What is an internet browser?
You use an internet browser program, such as microsoft's internet explorer or netscape's navigator (or  communicator) to view material on the www. You can go to a web site and teh information on teh site can be displayed by the browser program.
What is an internet server?
An internet server is a computer that is permanently attached to the rest of hte internet , and which publishes information that can be viewed by other people using their internet browser programs.
What are urls?
Hte uniform resource locator (URL) is teh internet address that internet browsers ue to find your webpages. You also use urls when you create links from one part of your web sete to another.
What is a web site?
A web site is a group of web pages.a web page is simply a document composed in html tha tcan be access on the web.a web page is not the same size as a piece of paper,it can be any size you wish.it is good practice however to keep the physical size and file size and file size of your web pages as small as possible, as large pages will take longer ot load.
What is a web site homepage?
Hte home page is teh starting page for your web site. Ideally when people visit your web site they will see your home page first and then follow links that you have pre-defined to other pages within your web site,or indeed to other web sites.
You should always call your home page file inded.htm(or index.html),rather than home html or first.html. There are good technical reasons for this !
What is an internet search engine?

An internet search engine is a program that allows you to enter words or phrases and search the web for sites containing relecant information. There are many examples, such as lycos, infoseek, and yahoo.

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