E-mail Basics: Creating E-mails

E-mail Basics:  Creating E-mails
Sending an E-mail
Click New in the Menu Bar and select Mail Message in the drop down window.  The new e-mail window will open.

·          Type the address of the recipient in the To... field.
·          Type an address in the Cc… field if you wish to send a copy of the message to a third party.
·          Type a subject matter in the Subject field.
·          Type your message in the large text box.
Click Send.

Auto-complete and the Global Address List
Outlook has an auto-complete feature that attempts to predict what e-mail address you’re typing based on the addresses you’ve e-mailed in the past.
·          Auto-complete appears as soon as you start typing an address in the To… field.
·          The e-mail displayed will be Outlook’s best guess at what address you are typing.  It will refine as  you input more characters.
·         Hit enter on your keyboard when the correct address is displayed and auto-complete will fill in the remaining characters.
The Global Address List is a university-wide contact list of NU employees.  It can help you find contact information and e-mail addresses, and can be accessed from the new e-mail window.  We will discuss the Global Address List in greater detail later in this guide.
·          Type an identifying piece of information, such as a last name, into the To… field.  You do not need to enter a full name, for example entering “Jorg” will bring up “Jorgensen” and “Jorgenson”.
·          On your keyboard, hold the Ctrl key down and hit the K key.
·          The Check Names window will open.  This window lists all matches from both your personal contacts and the Global Address List.

Click the record for the person you want to message.
·          Click .
An e-mail address for the person you want to message will appear in the To… field.

Working with Folders
Folders provide a useful way to manage your messages.  They appear in the navigation pane.  You can create folders in any structure that suits your needs.

  •        Right click on the folder that will house your new folder.
  •     Click New Folder in the drop down menu.  The Create New Folder window will open.
  •   Type the name of your new folder in the Name field.
  • ·          Click in the Select where to place this folder field if you wish to change where your folder will be located.
    Click OK.  
·         The new folder will appear in the location you indicated.

·          You can drag and drop messages directly to this or any folder.

One Response so far.

  1. muzamalms says:

    thank for this information
    i like it

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