Creating Microsoft Access Tables
Tables are the foundation of an Access database. Access storesdata in tables. This post teaches you how to:
Ø Createa table
Ø Add fields to a table
Ø Assign data types to fields
Ø Set field properties.
Understanding Tables
A table is a set of columns and rows. Each column is called a field. Within a table, each field must be given a name and no two fields can have the same name. Each value in a field represents a single category of data.
For example:
A table might have three fields:
Ø Last Name
Ø First Name
Ø Phone Number
The table consists of three columns:
Ø One for last name
Ø One for first name
Ø One for phone number
In every row of the table:
Ø The Last Name field contains the last name,
Ø The First Name field contains the first name,
Ø The Phone Number field contains the phone number
Each row in a table is called a record.
All of the data in a table should refer to the same subject.
For example:
Ø All of the data in the Employees table should refer to employees
Ø All of the data in the Students table should refer to students
Ø All of the data in the Courses table should refer to courses.
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