Micromax, which has long back attracted female users with its Bling series handsets, is now set to revive the series with a new handset. The new Bling series handset, named as Micromax Bling 3 A86, has been listed on online retailer, Flipkart. However, price of the device is not known yet.
As per the listing, the Micromax Bling 3 A86 comes with a 4 inch capacitive touch screen though no information about the resolution was there. The Bling 3 has Android 4.1 Jelly Bean operating system, 1 GHz dual core processor, and 32 GB expandable storage slot. The listing does not speak anything about the RAM or internal storage of Bling 3.
Besides, the 3G smartphone has dual SIM slot, 5 megapixel rear camera, 0.3 megapixel front camera, 1600 mAh battery, WiFi and Bluetooth. As per the pictures posted on the website, the phone clearly seems to be made for females with a glittering home button which sits just below the display - a style statement that is unique to other Bling series handsets as well. Similarly, as you can see in the picture too, the back panel is also designed well to appeal style conscious female consumers.
Considering these features, we think Micromax to price the Bling 3 A86 around Rs 6,000.
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