In all probability you are in search of genuine ways and actionable strategies to make money online India. Before even you begin, find a time to ask yourself whether you are looking for some free & without investment opportunities to make some quick money or are you determined to build up an online money making model which can easily replace your day job or spare you from doing one.
Money makes more money you know. We will elaborate on both FREE & PAID money making opportunities. What most beginners (Interested in making Money Online in India) do is, they always go for easy & no brainer ways like clicking on Ads on Paid To Click (PTC) site like Clixense.Com, online data entry jobs, Read emails, participate in Paid Surveys only to find frustrations in the end. Some even starts blogging with free blogging platform (Blogger.Com) But don’t get me wrong when I say that 95% of them do it completely wrong.
Even if you spend money from the beginning, online success is never ensured. It’s highly performance based. Please don’t get me wrong but you will earn exactly what you truly deserve. Nobody is really to blame but only yourself. Those of you who always look for without investment ways to make money online, should understand that there is nothing called a free launch. You pay the price with your TIME. And mind, you are not spared from paying your internet bills too.
So what it really takes to make money in General?
It takes a businessman like attitude. You are looking forward to make money from internet, that means you are trying to get yourself involved in the buying selling loop of Internet marketing. That means you have to understand the basics of Internet marketing at the first place. Think about it, every successful businessman understands his business in and out. So you need a clear understanding of the basics and then you have to specialize a certain money making system over the internet.
Make Money Online in India Working with Google
Today we will discuss about making money from AdSense by creating Websites/Blogs on different topic. If you haven’t hard of AdSense before, it’s a program owned by Google where online publishers (Blogger/Webmasters) can open up account for free and run Google AdSense ads and earns on click those ads get. Google charges the advertiser of the ad for every click and gives publishers a certain % (68 % for content network). The value of click (CPC stands for Cost Per Click) is dependent on the value of the keyword for which the advertiser wish to display his ads. AdSense is kind of a broker in between Advertiser and Publishers. You get the point.
So whether you create websites or blogs for free or go for premium ways, you have to understand how things actually work. As we said earlier, after you master the basics of Internet marketing, your right approach should be to focus on your chosen money making model/models. In case, you are interested to make money with AdSense you have got to research with AdSense to understand it better.
You can make money from Adsense without even having your own websites/blogs if you work with different AdSense revenue sharing sites but that is nothing but an undue deduction of your earned money. Why should you go for revenue sharing sites when you can create your own? You can make money from AdSense by creating good YouTube videos also. But our focus will be on creating Blogs and Sites to make money online in India.
Because you can get success with AdSense even if you are a complete broke. Email marketing, list building are no doubt profitable ways of making money even without a blog, but you guessed it right, you need to cash out money upfront. But when it comes to AdSense, even if you don’t have a credit card, you can still make money with it.
A. Find a Profitable Topic to write for your Site/Blog
B. Do your Keyword Research right
C. Shortlist keywords
D. Analyse the competition and select your keywords
E. Book a Domain Name
F. Buy Hosting
G. Connect domain with the Server
H. Either install wordpress or go for simple static sites
I. Create unique and useful Content for site users or blog readers
J. Promote your blog/Site and make it a popular one.
K. Apply for AdSense and get approved
L. Run AdSense on your site/blogs and make money online from India
Now as you understand that every steps mentioned above need lot of explanations to make you understand how to exactly execute the whole procedure. You also have to understand that within a short article it is never possible to explain out the whole thing with actionable steps, you have to keep in touch with us for that. And you as a potential internet marketer should learn yourself from other genuine online resources also.
A. You need a topic to write as you are willing to build content sites/Blogs. As long as finding profitable topic for adsense is concerned, you should target, Finance, Health, Food, Travel market. A good strategy would be to go to and watch what kind of sites people are buying selling. You can write what you know better than others but that topic has to be profitable for AdSense also. Whether a topic or keyword is profitable or not, can be judged by Keyword Research and Competitiveness.
B. Learn to research Keyword with Google AdWord free keyword tool as it is one of the best tool available on internet today. Aim of researching keyword is to see how many people searches a particular keyword and its exact match search volume , availability of Advertisers, Average estimates cost per click, and the competition in the search engine result pages (SERP) because in the end you got to make your web pages visible in the search result to get a free flow of visitors.
C. Shortlisting of keywords should be done wisely. It’s always better to shortlist long tail keywords with lower search volume and lower level of competition as well. Ensure there are advertisers, otherwise you will get irrelevant ads.
D. You have to learn to analyze your competitions. Your competitors are those who already rank in SERP for your chosen profitable keywords. There are certain metrics to check the strength of your competitors. It needs more elaboration.
E. You have to buy a domain name ( of your choice. Those who will make free blogger blog, have to register a subdomain like Godaddy has earned the status of best domain registrar of the world. You can buy yours if you can afford 500 /- for one yr.
F. Hosting is needed to put your files. Hostgator is #1 hosting provider. You can buy from Local hosting providers too. It’s always better to work with number one. If you go for free blogger blog, your blog is hosted for free by Google. And this FREE thing may come as a shock when in a fine morning you get an email from Blogger.Com stating your blog has been deleted. Even though you get your blog back after following the recommended procedure, your blog will not rank like it is used to. So be warned.
G. Connecting means, you have to change the default name servers of your domain name. Then your hosting provider will create hosting space for you. All are done for you in Blogger.
H. WordPress is a famous content management system (CMS) which can be installed in a minute. Your hosting company will help you do that. You yourself can do it with the free available guides. In blogger you have nothing to install, you select your subdomain, select a name of your blog, select a template and create one. All it takes is a Google Account.
I. You have to take the responsibility to create content if you can not hire somebody who will keep producing quality content for your blogs/websites. You can buy PLR articles and use them after improving them. Ensure you are optimizing those articles for search engines. Learn how to optimize the content for search engines and implement the techniques.
J. With time you will see your blog/site will attract visitors via your targeted keywords if you promote your site by standard SEO practices and take due advantage of Social Media.
K. Apply for AdSense when your site ages 6 months. Hopefully you will get the welcome email from AdSense.
L. You will get lot of tutorials on how to work with AdSense and display ads exactly where you like to. WorPress has lot of plugins for AdSense to make life easier.
Though this is not a step by step guide, if you go ahead with these salient points and keep increasing your knowledge on these and take actions accordingly, nobody can restrict your success, not even you (lol).
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