A Solid Strategy on How to Earn Money Online Fast

Did you know that creating a website or a blog is a solid strategy to earn money online faster than you expect?  If not, then you have not been told the truth for sure. Creating a website may seem to be kind of  next-to-impossible to you but with the help of opensource content management system (CMS) like WordPress, even a 13 year old kid can do it. But listen, just being able to create it will not do, you have to teach yourself a lot of stuffs about internet marketing in the process and make a concrete plan about what would you do with your website. I have tried to give you strategic step by step guide where every word is important. Let’s get started.
A.Find a Market
Finding a profitable market is very very crucial to your online success. Hitting the wrong market would keep you away from the success you may deserve.  If you make your WordPress blog/site in a subject where people do not have much interest in listening or buying what you have to say or offer, you will not be able to earn any money online. Another important thing to see is the buying power of your potential target audience. If your target market are not likely to buy online, chances are you will not get much success even though your site attracts a good amount of visitors.  In internet marketing terminology a focused  market is often called “Niche”. So you need to do some research to find out a profitable niche market. This niche research is so important thing in internet marketing that most of the successful marketers keep their mouth shut when it comes to disclosing their niches where they are raking in huge cash everyday.
You will surely find that the most profitable niches are necessarily most competitive. Like, if you hit the niche “Getting your ex  back” , you will find it harder to rank your site in search engines because where there is money, competition is there too. Though getting afraid of your competitions is no way a positive quality, but bypassing the competition by targeting a niche where search engine ranking becomes easier is a tricky and matured decision. Here in this step, you should try to jot down some niches you get to discover.
B. Research Your Keywords
If you are still not aware of something like ” Keyword Research”, jump into learning it without any delay. Main motto of researching keywords is to find out profitable keywords which will make you money faster than you expect to. A scientific approach in your keyword research will help you find good keywords and you can rank those keywords easily by implementing good SEO practices. Here you note down keywords and its associated parameters for further finetuning.
C. Competitor Analysis
Like in any business you must know your competitors and analyze their strength and weakness here in internet marketing. Gohere to learn how should you analyze your competitors. Your potential competitors are those who already rank in the search engine result pages (SERP) for the keywords you have shortlisted. The main motto of this analysis is for taking crucial decisions about whether to go with the niche and the associated keywords. If yes then strategizing your marketing endeavor based upon the strategies your competitors are adopting and eventually outranking them. In fact, your niche research, keyword research and competitor analysis should go hand in hand and this way you would be able to find out profitable keywords as well as the strategies to get the profit out of it.
D. Book your Domain Name
You need a domain name just like we have ours (adsenseaccountcreate.com). Here is how you should select a good domain name.
E. You need hosting Server
You need hosting server. No dearth of good hosting companies out there. Hostgator has earned a good name in the market.
F. Connect your Domain name with Hosting
The exact steps of integrating your domain name with the hosting server will be slightly different depending upon the domain name registrar and hosting company you use. The basic fact is you need to change the name servers of your domain name as given by your hosting company. Then only you can create the web server for the concerned domain name.
G. Install WordPress
WordPress can be installed in two ways. Manually and by using Fantastico. Mannual Process Involves Downloading the latest version of WordPress, Changing a files content and renaming it and uploading it to the root server or the subdirecry of root server by an FTP program. FileZilla works good. Here is your guide to install WordPress. If you go the Fantastico way, you do not need to download WordPress or do not need to update the database details as well.
H. After You Install WordPress
Download some useful plugins (All in one SEO, Google Analyticator, Google xml sitemap, MBP Ping optimizer, Feedburner feedsmith, Wp Super Cache or WP total Cache, contact form 7 and others as per your requirement).You will find most of the useful plugins are free. Change the category called uncategorized to General. learn to create a robots.txt file excluding files and folders you do not want search engines to crawl  and upload it to the root server. Go to general settings and choose www or non www version of your domain name. Learn the use of .htaccess file and use it with care.  When it comes to activating your plugins, go through the guides on plugin home sites or other available guides, It’s easy enough. In case of All in one SEO you need to craft your title tag carefully as per your selected keywords. Don’t ever try to over optimize it which sends a wrong signal to modern search engines. Write a description mentioning your keyword only once.
Get a Theme: You will find countless themes for free and premium as well. Get one which suits your requirement. You can change your theme anytime you like, so no fear of getting stuck.
I. WordPress Blog or Site
You have to decide whether you want a WordPress site or a Blog. Your installed WoprPress is by default a blog which shows the excerpt of your recent written articles (Posts) on the homepage of your blog. But you have the option of making your homepage a static page. For that make a page with whatever name you like and write content you want to show in your home page and make a blank page called blog or news.
Now go to settings>Reading & check the radio button of static page option. Choose the home page name you made from the drop down and choose blog/news to show your posts. In this case your blog will be located at http://www.yourdomainname.com/blog
Both work well. You should opt according to your requirement.
J. You need Content
The biggest problem people face when they are asked to write something worth reading. Using PLR articles or hiring somebody to write may be alternatives but in recent times using PLR articles or even rewriting it do not bring the expected online success. Your content has to be worth reading for the readers to be specific. Writing craps will bring craps in return for sure. When you do not know much about your niche topic you want to blog about or want to make a web page, you have every option to research with the same and present information in a presentable way. Learning curve is an important parameter for becoming a good writer.
H. You need to implement Good SEO
When Panda and Penguin like killer Google updates are prevailing, doing no SEO at all is a good SEO strategy. It’s time to concentrate on link getting rather than building it. Quality links still work because Google search engine still follows link based algorithm. But you have to be very very cautious if you want to comply with Big G TOS in order to get visitors from search engines. Concentrate on writing good content and make your site more user friendly. Social media engagement like creating a facebook fanpage, Google + page, twitter exposure, youtube channels are of immense use.
I. Monetization: You have countless profitable options when it comes to monetizing your website or blog. In fact you should plan accordingly from the very beginning. AdSense, Affiliate Marketing are some popular way to earn money online from your website or blog.
Another important aspect which comes into play is your attitude towards success and keeping yourself motivated throughout the journey of earning money online. Somewhere you have to learn from mistakes but you should never consider quitting the game if you are not getting the success as planned. Keep yourself updated with the latest marketing techniques and technicalities. Have faith in yourself and concentrate on developing your marketing strategy better than ever before. Success ahead.

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