The REAL caller ID- App that can turn your iPhone into an identity scanner unveiled

The REAL caller ID- App that can turn your iPhone into an identity scanner unveiled

An iPhone case containing a host of biometric sensors capable of turning an iPhone into a hi-tech ID scanner has been revealed.
Stratus, made by US firm AOptix, can scan a person's iris, fingerprint, voice, and face.
The app, is expected to be used by law enforcement agencies and passport control staff around the world. It is hoped the system could soon replace current systems, which require a laptop and larger scanners.
In February, the Department of Defense paid AOptix $3 million to develop an enhanced solution using the tool that was revealed today.
The app will cost £130 ($199), with the case costing extra - although its price has not been confirmed yet.
'Until now, biometric identity verification has been delivered either by fixed location solutions or difficult to use mobile products with limited functionality,' said Alan Goode, Managing Director, Goode Intelligence,a firm which has been trialling the system. 
'By leveraging the capabilities of the iPhone, and its own deep experience in identity solutions, AOptix is providing an ideal mobile identity platform which will greatly expand the use of biometrics to many new applications and markets.'
The firm believes its system is the first to use an iPhone. 
To use it, users simply slip their handset into the special case and then launch the app. 'Our objective in developing AOptix Stratus was to create a product family that would deliver the benefits of biometric identification to a host of new users,' said Chuck Yort, Vice President and General Manager of Identity Solutions at AOptix. 
'We’ve received a great deal interest from law enforcement and border control, national and civil ID programs, and defense. 
'We anticipate AOptix Stratus will be embraced by healthcare, disaster relief, humanitarian aid and other areas where identity verification is essential but previous biometric techniques have been impossible or unacceptable. 'We’ve received strong encouragement from our partners and end users throughout our development and beta process and are delighted that the product is now available for purchase.'
Experts hailed the gadget as a major step forward for security.
'The launch of AOptix Stratus provides a capability for Smart Mobile Identity around iPhone that will open up a new range of applications for biometrics,' said Dr. Peter Waggett, Emerging Technology Program Leader at IBM. 
'The product provides the basis for an ecosystem of Smart Mobile Identity products and apps that we will use to develop and deliver solutions.' Watch the video:

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